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Ronald Rand in Let It Be Art


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Ronald Rand, Publisher
The Soul of the American Actor
P.O. Box 20633
Columbus Circle Station
New York , NY 100235

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Jane Alexander
Alec Baldwin
Patrik Baldauff
Catherine Jean Barbour
Eunice Batistella
Gretchen Bender
Carol Benner
Kathryn Bild
Andre Bishop
Ed Oneipede Blunt
Philip Bosco
Jay Broad
Alan Brody
Lisa Burrascaro
Vinie Burrows
G. M. Calhoun
Frances Carlin
Jane Carpenter
Martha Carpenter
Joe Caruso
Bertrand J. Charest
Robert R. Carter
Tina Chen
David Connelly
Marisa Costa
Paul De Sousa
Donna Dickson
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Robert DiFalco
Allan Dodds Frank
Alfred Dowbysz
Laura Dragomir
Olympia Dukakis
Sonia Dunbar
David Ellenstein
Christine Emmert
Ray Faiola
Ian Farthing
Frank Fatone
Barry Feinstein
Tom Ferriter
Allan Dodds Frank
Mario Fratti
Rita Fredricks
Arthur French
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Guthrie Theater
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Robert Hethmon
Gary Hilborn
Louise Kerz Hirschfeld
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Jeffrey James Keyes
Lisa Keys
Jack Kissel
Stephen Lang
Timothy Large
Lincoln Center Library
Laurence Luckinbill
Charles B. MacLeod II
Ric Maddox
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Colin McPhillamy
Ana Medina
Ron Millkie
Robert Morse
Nina Murano
Gail Merrifield Papp
Betsy Parrish
Annah Patterson
David Penhallow
Franco Pistritto
Barry Plaxen
Carol Fox Prescott
Lonn Presnall
Harold Prince
Bryan C. Pugh
Luise Rainer
John Rengstorff
Katie Renn
George Riddle
Kate Robbins
C. Wayne Rudisill
Barbara Salant
Paulo de Sauso
David P. Scott
Larry Silverberg
Sheryl Helene Simler
Fern Sloane
Robin Lynn Smith
Lois Wheeler Snow
Sally Stark
Elizabeth Steiner
D.J. Sullivan
Barbara Tamburri-Nair
Alice Timothy
Mary Ellen Toomey
Joan Valentina
Jean-Claude van Itallie
Villanova Theatre Dept.
Honey Waldman
Jared Waltzer
Tatiana Warbritton
Elizabeth Hatfield Werther
Pippa White
Loyd Williamson
Joanne Zipay


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P.O. Box 20633
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"It is a law of life that man cannot live for himself alone. The world's problems are also our personal problems. Health is achieved through maintaining our personal truth in a balanced relation of love to the rest of the world. No expression is more emblematic of this relation than the creative act which we call art, and none more than the theatre. The theatre, to be fully understood and appreciated, must be seen as a manifestation of this process of interchange between society and the individual. It must be judged as a continuous development of groups of individuals within society, becoming richer, acquiring greater force and value as it grows with the society. Only in this way can the theatre nourish us."  - Harold Clurman

The Soul of the American Actor Newspaper